TITLE: Fantasma (Gosht)
NAME: Txemi Jendrix
COUNTRY: Bilbao, Spain
EMAIL: tji@txemijendrix.com
WEBPAGE: http://www.txemijendrix.com
TOPIC: Loneliness
JPGFILE: fantasma.jpg
ZIPFILE: fantasma.zip
    POV-Ray 3.5

    Moray, Hamapatch, Poser, Poseray, Gilles Tran's Tree Macro, The
Gimp, Photoshop 5.5, pov editor.

    2h 12' 8''

    Compaq Presario notebook, P III 700 Mhz, HD 6 Gb, 120 Mb ram,
digital camera.


La version en castellano esta despues de esta en ingles.
Please, let me tell you how it happened.
It was late at night. I was walking towards my home when 
a car crashed against me when I was crossing the street.
I could have waited for the green light, but I was hurry.
Suddenly I was running to a telephone box to call the police
'cause the driver was running away. 
But when I tried to get the phone my hand and arm went thru' it. 
I didn't know what was happening. I thought it was a shock 
related to the accident.
At least there's always a cat when you need it. I thought 
I got crazy when I heard his voice talking to me, calling 
me by my name.
He told me the first steps of my new condition.
Then I found out what had happenned. I realized that I was 
a gosht. It was a deep impact. All the people I knew and the 
world I lived in had dissapear. Forever; and I really mean 
You, the alive ones, talk about loneliness, but you don't 
know the meaning of it. I am always alone, living in a grey
world. Yes, sometimes I see you, but you don't see me, 
sometimes you even get a glimpse of me, but only for a second, 
and that makes you run away from me.
What about the other goshts?. There are some, but it dependes 
on the frequency they no-live to be able to get in touch. And
there are infinite frequencies...
It has been a pleasure to posses this alive to make this render.
(One of the things I miss more is that I can't pov by myself 
See you (you don't)  
- The gosht - 

The telephone box was done in Moray and it's pure CSG.
Its door is animatable.
The telephone was done in Hamapatch except the dial that
is a CSG done in Moray.
The sidewalk is also CSG, as the door (also animatable)
and the facade, except the wall that it's a heightfield.
The trash container was made in Hamapatch, though finally
the rubber wheels were done with a difference of a superellip-
soid and a cylinder. The cover and the wheels are animatables.
The gosht and the cats were made with Poser and exported to
Moray and Pov with Poseray (a great converter!).
The sign with the street name and the pipe were done in
The tree was made with the Gilles Tran's tree macro (you
will need it to render de scene, it's not included in the
Most of the textures are layered ones.
The body of the trash container has three layers, with one
image map for the graffiti, and a bump map for the vertical
The cover of the trash container has three layers, with one
image map for the trash logo.
The lights and signs in the telephone box were done first with
ambient 0.8, but finally four orange lights using fade power and 
distance were used for the orange lights. 
With the blue signs I tried Jaime Vives' trick used in his 
Laboratory round entry (to add the image_map in the density
statement of media), but it doesn't work with povray 3.5.
So I used a filter value of .4 for the blue signs and placed 
another light in the middle of the top part with an intensity 
of 3, using also fade power and distance.
The gosht uses different values of filter depending on the body
part (shoes 1, skin 0.2 and alpha chanel for the right hand,...)
and has the no_reflection flag, as all good goshts.
All materials use ambient 0.0. 
All of them use fade power and distance.
There is an arealight inside the telephone box, 4 pointlights
for the orange lights and other for the blue signs. There is
one more pointlight far away to adjust the ambient light.
2 yellowish spotlights were set to simulate the car's lights.
There is still one more pointlight very close to the gosht's
face, to increase the contrast and to show his expression.
This light was grouped with the gosht, so it won't affect the
telephone box
Assumed gamma 1.0 was used.
The scene was rendered using antialiasing 0.3. I used Photoshop
to add the title and the signature and to adjust the brightness
and contrast. Also to convert from png to jpg.
The zip file contains everything except the gosht, the cats
(copyrighted by Curious labs), and the image maps (almost 
9 Mb).        
Hope you like it.

Txemi Jendrix 2002.

Moray: www.stmuc.com/moray
Hamapatch: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6625/soft10.html 
Poser: www.curiouslabs.com
Poseray: user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
Photoshop: www.adobe.com
Gilles Tran: www.oyonale.com
Jaime Vives Piqueres: www.ignorancia.org
The Gimp: www.gimp.org 
Pov-Ray: www.povray.org
Pov-Ray newsgroups: news.povray.org  
Music: Macaco, Ojos de Brujo, Beck, Martin Newell,...

Por favor, dejame contarte como ocurrio.
Estaba entrada la noche. Yo caminaba hacia mi casa cuando
un coche choco contra mi cuando cruzaba la calle.
Podria haber esperado a la luz verde pero tenia prisa.
De pronto estaba corriendo a una cabina para llamar a la policia
porque el conductor huia.
Pero cuando intente coger el telefono mi mano y mi brazo lo
atravesaron. Pense que era un shock relacionado con el accidente.
Al menos siempre hay un gato cuando lo necesitas. Pense que
me habia vuelto loco cuando oi su voz hablandome, llamandome por
mi nombre.
El me conto los primeros pasos de mi nueva condicion.
Entonces descubri lo que habia pasado. Me di cuenta de que
era un fantasma. Fue un profundo impacto. Toda la gente que
conoci y el mundo en el que vivia habian desaparecido. Para
siempre; y quiero decir realmente para siempre.
Vosotros, los vivos, hablais sobre la soledad, pero no sabeis
lo que significa. Yo siempre estoy solo, viviendo en un mundo
gris. Si, a veces os veo, pero no me veis a mi, a veces teneis
un atisbo de mi, pero solo por un segundo, y eso os hace huir
Que hay sobre los otros fantasmas?. Hay algunos, pero depende
de la frecuencia en la que no-vivan para que sea posible
contactar. Y hay infinitas frecuencias...
Ha sido un placer poseer a este vivo para hacer este render.
(Una de las cosas que mas echo de menos es que no puedo
disfrutar con pov por mi mismo nunca mas).
Te veo (tu no)
- El fantasma -

La cabina de telefono se hizo en Moray y es puro CSG.
Su puerta es animable.
El telefono se hizo en Hamapatch excepto el dial que
es CSG realizado en Moray.
La acera es CSG tambien, como la puerta (tambien ani-
mable) y la fachada, excepto la pared que es un height-
El contenedor de basura se hizo con Hamapatch, aunque
finalmente las ruedas de goma se hicieron con una
diferencia de un superelipsoide y un cilindro. La tapa
y las ruedas son animables.
El fantasma y los gatos se hicieron con Poser y se 
exportaron a Moray y a Pov con Poseray (un gran conversor!)
La placa con el nombre de la calle y la tuberia se 
hicieron en Hamapatch.
El arbol se hizo con la macro de arboles de Gilles Tran
(la necesitaras para renderizar la escena, no esta 
incluido en el zip).
La mayoria de las texturas son texturas por capas.
El cuerpo de contenedor de basura tiene 3 capas, con un
mapa de imagen para el graffiti y un mapa de relieve
para los bultos verticales.
La tapa del contenedor de basura tiene 3 capas, con un
mapa de imagen para el logo de la basura.
Las luces y los letreros de la cabina se hicieron
primero utilizando ambient 0.8, pero finalmente se
utilizaron cuatro luces naranjas utilizando fade power
y fade distance para las luces exteriores de la cabina.
Con los letreros azules intente el truco de Jaime Vives
utilizado en su imagen para el tema Laboratorio (aniadir
el mapa de imagen en el componente density de media),
pero no funciona con povray 3.5.
Asi que use un valor filter de 0.4 para los letreros y 
puse otra luz en el centro de la parte superior de la 
cabina con una intensidad de 3, utilizando igualmente
fade power y fade distance.
El fantasma utiliza diferentes valores de filter en
funcion de la parte del cuerpo (1 para los zapatos,
0.2 para la piel y el canal alfa para la mano derecha,
...) y se le asigno el no_reflection, como todos los
buenos fantasmas.
Todos los materiales usan ambient 0.0
Todas las luces utilizan fade power y fade distance.
Hay una arealight dentro de la cabina de telefono, 4
pointlights para las luces naranjas y otra para los
letreros azules. Hay otra pointlight, muy lejana para
ajustar la luz ambiente.
Dos spotlights amarillentas se utilizaron para simular
los faros de un coche.
Todavia hay una pointlight mas muy cerca de la cara del
fantasma, para incrementar el contraste y para mostrar
su expresion.
Esta luz se agrupo con el fantasma, para que no afectara
a la cabina de telefono.
Se Utilizo asummed gamma 1.0
La escena se renderizo utilizando antialiasing 0.3. 
Utilice Photoshop para aniadir el titulo y la firma y
para ajustar el brillo y contraste y convertir de
png a jpg.
El archivo zip contiene todo menos el fantasma, los
gatos (el copyright es de Curious Labs) y los mapas
de imagen (9 megas).
Espero que os guste.

Txemi Jendrix 2002.

Moray: www.stmuc.com/moray
Hamapatch: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6625/soft10.html 
Poser: www.curiouslabs.com
Poseray: user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
Photoshop: www.adobe.com
Gilles Tran: www.oyonale.com
Jaime Vives Piqueres: www.ignorancia.org
The Gimp: www.gimp.org
Pov-Ray: www.povray.org
Pov-Ray newsgroups: news.povray.org
Music: Macaco, Ojos de Brujo, Beck, Martin Newell,...