TITLE: Infernos Gate
NAME: Eivind Fonn
EMAIL: htkra1d@hotmail.com
WEBPAGE: http://www.big-bug.tk/
TOPIC: Dreaming
JPGFILE: ef_ingat.jpg
    POV-Ray 3.5

    Crossroads 3D, 3ds max 4, Moray Trial Version, Photoshop 6, Poser 4

    I don't remember, but it was roughly 8 hours

    HP Brio Pentium 2 800 MHz 196 MB RAM Windows 98


This picture depicts a poor soul coming to hell. It can be interpreted as a
near-death experience or an actual death experience or just a bad dream. In any
case it should fit in this rounds topic.


MAN: Made using Poser 4. It took me four or five attempts to get him right. He
was exported to 3ds format and converted to POV-Ray format using Crossroads 3D.
I then had to manually edit that huge file to group the body together and the
hair alone so that I could get them different textures.

GROUND: The ground which you can see through the trees on the left and right is
just a box with a red-orangeish crackled texture.

TILES: The tiles is a repeated pattern of a tile object I made with slight
randomness for each tile when it comes to placement and rotation. It has a
stoneish crackled texture.

FENCE: The fence is CSG, covered in the same texture as the tiles.

TORCHES: I need to learn media :\. The flames are a slight edit of C. Jokinen's
fire tutorial over at the PRSG (http://hyperion.spaceports.com/~povstudy/).

TREES: Made using Andrew Clinton's splinetree macro (http://povplace.addr.com/).
They have a rather smooth red-orangeish surface that doesn't look good up close

SKULL: Being a modeling nobody I downloaded this from 3D Cafe. My previous (and
first) entry used tons of downloaded models and I'm proud to say that this time
there is only one. Maker unknown. It has a green-yellowish texture with the
agate pattern that makes it look old, and almost sick. The texture could
probably be better still though.

GATE: It's pure CSG apart from the horns which were modeled in 3ds max. I just
recently acquired that program but I haven't learned it completely yet, so I
found this pic was still easier to do in POV-Ray. Doors and the golden "knobs"
are also CSG. The frame and horns got a cracke patterned texture. So does the
doors but it is flatter and scaled more. The texture of the "knobs" is the only
one I didn't make myself. It is taken from golds.inc. Originally I thought
about having them making another mysterious symbol that was to be cut out of
the doors but for some odd reason they still looked as if they were objects and
not "holes" in the door. So I made them that way.

SKY: It's just a big box in the sky, really. The texture uses the bozo pattern.

COMPOSITION: First I did the ground. Then I did the trees. It took me forever to
dig up a macro that could do it (making the 18 trees or so I got in the
picture) with a decent amount of comlexity while still keeping the memory use
at an acceptable level (my computer crashed when using MakeTree by Gilles Tran
and this other one called TomTree). Then I made the tiles, and the fence. All
of the textures to these objects was changed many times throughout the making
of the picture. I had to add a thin black box under the tiles and over the
ground because after I added randomness in their placement I could see the
ground through the open holes. I then added the torches which drastically
increased rendering time. Then I did the man. I was trying to add a snake too
on the tiles together with the man as it is traditionally an evil animal, but I
just couldn't make it look any good, so I removed it. At first I thought about
having a big eye in the sky, covered in flames. But it turned out to be junk.
So I made a firey sky-sky instead. Then I did the gates in the end, together
with the skull. If I had the time I would make more bones, maybe some moss and
a few stains (sp?) of blood.

Yeah, hope you like it.