TITLE: A Millennial Encounter
NAME: David Nash
EMAIL: dnash@umich.edu
WEBPAGE: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dnash/3dgraphics/index.html
TOPIC: First Encounter
JPGFILE: newvenus.jpg
ZIPFILE: newvenus.zip
    POV-Ray 3.00, unofficial SGI Irix compilation

    Orb 0.2b (by John Beale, http://www.best.com/~beale)
            xv 3.10a (for converting logo.tga to GIF)
            xpaint 2.1.1 (for lines.gif)
            Adobe Illustrator 7.01 (for signature and conversion to JPEG)

    10 hr. 15 min.

    SGI Octane, Irix 6.5, 175 MHz


At the very end of the first millenium of human missions to other worlds, a new
world opens up...

As the _Aphrodite_  approaches the newly terraformed Venus -- long occupied
only by scientists and terraforming engineers -- anyone in the second-class
lounge gets a good view.  The _Aphrodite_, modified from earlier ships in the
Earth-Mars tourist trade, is one of three ships purchased by Ishtar Lines for
the new Earth-Venus run, and is the first ship to Venus open to members of the


Venus:  I had already created a terraformed Venus using Orb (a free utility by
John Beale that approximates a heightfield "wrapped around a sphere" with a
triangle mesh). 

Orb handles spherical heightfields the same way POV-Ray handles planar ones: 
it takes a bitmapped image and converts the colors or color indices into
elevation data.  For this scene, I used a topographic map (venusmap.gif: 
courtesy NASA/JPL/Caltech) of Venus, based on Pioneer Venus Orbiter altimetry
data.  (I wanted Magellan data, but the maps I found were colored too strangely
to be useful as a heightfield maker...) 

I realized, while playing around with this Venus image, that a pretty good idea
for "first encounter" lurked within, so I improved the appearance of Venus
(more realistic clouds and atmosphere) and added the lounge.

With one small exception (the image map lines.gif, used to color the score
pad), I did everything in the lounge entirely with POV-Ray:

Walls, furniture, telescope, drinks:  Good ol' CSG operations...

Star field:  I found the conventional starfield patterns included with POV-Ray
(typically "granite" with small regions of white or colored spots) looked odd,
so I created my own starfield from a large group of self-luminous spheres. 
This seems to give a better range of star brightnesses (though it takes some
tweaking to make sure that really big stars -- which look like disks rather
than stars -- don't show up).

Scrabble game:  Probably the most involved part of the scene.  The colors of
the special squares don't follow a nice checkerboard pattern, so I had to
create them one by one.   Fortunately, the board has 4-fold rotational symmetry
around the center, so all I needed to do was make 1/4 of the board and rotate
that into appropriate places.  The tiles are wood-textured boxes with letter
"stamped" into them with CSG difference.

Score pad and pencil:  the spiral binding of the score pad used the output from
spring.inc, a utility I wrote to create smooth helices with a circular or
elliptical cross section.

Poster for Ishtar Lines:  Produced by the separate scene file logo.pov.  The
two planets are simpler than the "spherical heightfield" Venus in the window: 
just flat maps wrapped around a sphere.  I got the map of Earth (earthmap.gif)
from Constantine Thomas's planetary image map site:
(http://www.lancs.ac.uk/postgrad/thomasc1/render/planets/earth.htm).  I
prepared the flat map of Venus by using POV-Ray's regular height field
generator with venusmap.gif.  I combined the heightfield with a dark blue plane
representing the water, set the combination to ambient 1 so it would be
self-luminous and unshadowed, and rendered it in POV-Ray.  I then cropped off
the background edges and converted it to GIF so I could use it as an image map.


logo.pov:  Ishtar Lines poster
newvenus.pov:  Main POV scene file
ventopo.pov:  Creates regular heightfield of Venus (for poster)

earthmap.gif:  Earth map for Ishtar Lines poster
lines.gif:  image map for score pad (blue lines on yellow background)
logo.gif:  output of logo.pov (poster)
venusmap.gif:  color-coded topographic map of Venus
ventopo.gif:  output of ventopo.pov, for Ishtar Lines poster
include/dpnstars.inc:  Star field
include/dpntxtr.inc: Custom textures
include/game.inc:  Scrabble game and accessories
include/lights.inc: Light sources for main scene
include/rack.inc: Scrabble racks
include/scrbrd2.inc: Scrabble board
include/scrbtile.inc: Scrabble tiles
include/spring.inc:  Spring maker
include/venus.inc:  Venus itself

The spherical heightfield (venusorb.inc) is *HUGE* (over 13 MB), and I've
decided not to include it in the .zip file -- it would make the file more than
twice as large as any other .zip file I've seen from the IRTC.  Nonetheless
it's a key part of the scene.  I will put a compressed version on my web site
(at the URL in the header) once the "First Encounter" voting begins.