EMAIL: NAME: Stefano Basso TOPIC: Math and Physics COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Snail1 COUNTRY: Italy WEBPAGE: None RENDERER USED: Povray 3.0 TOOLS USED: None RENDER TIME: 37'20'' HARDWARE USED: Pentium 120 Mhz 32Mb RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This image is a pure 3d mathematical plot , generated by a 2Kb pov file. The shape is a perfect logarithmic snail, identical to those you see during spring in the wet countrysides , usually after a storm . I didn't use expensive math-software or weighty plug-ins , nor particular Pov related programs. As you promote to use cheap tools I used Povray 3.0 only with its new looping and conditional functionalities , and nothing more . DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This file instructs Pov 3 to perform various calculations ; in simple words it calculates values for a translation of a sphere . Every set of values is for the <X,Y,Z> translation vector . I put two parameters , A and B going from a min_value to a max_value in a number of steps ; the higher the steps the more dense the shape you get . dens_A * dens_B = number of spheres in the shape . Obviously if you change the equations after X= , Y= and Z= you'll get a lot of different 3d shapes. (Spheres , Toruses , Cubes , Horns , Drops , Tubes , made of "sub-objects", a sort of a cloud . Have fun ! Stefano